In between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we dedicated 30 days to consistently pray for the lost around us to come to know Jesus and follow Him. Through that effort, our community prayed consistently for 448 people to come to know Jesus and experience Him.
As we begin our approach to Easter, we'd like to challenge you to consider participating in our Easter Service Initiative.
The Challenge:
For the month of March (March 1 - March 31), be on the lookout for tangible ways to serve someone who doesn't yet know Jesus. At New Life, we cultivate a habit of loving our neighbors and one of the best ways to do that is to provide a meaningful service to them. Sometimes those needs are obvious, but other times it can take some work and some time in relationship to get to know someone well enough to serve them. That service is not something we force on others, but something we can graciously offer.
If you're up for the challenge, would you please sign up to let us know you are "in"? We'll use that sign up form to send helpful resources and weekly encouragement along the way.
Sign me up for the Easter Service Initiative!