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If you loved the 24-7 week of prayer, we've got great news for you! We are doing another one over spring break, with a focus on injustice at all levels: personal, local, national, and global. We are participating in 24-7 Prayer USA's year of unbroken prayer, and looking to fill another full week with people praying night and day. There are 4 remote prayer rooms, 1 for each spring break trip, that the people on the trips will be using.

For those of us in in Ann Arbor, you can use our prayer room, or if you can't make it to the prayer room, you can pray wherever you are! Anyone who signs up for a slot will receive information about the week and a digital copy of the prayer stations over email. If you want to be a part of the prayer-chain this week, you can view the gaps at this link and sign up for a slot.

Our window starts the first minute of Monday the 2/26 and goes through the last minute of Sunday 3/3. In particular, Friday night through Sunday will likely be helpful times to signup since a lot of the students will be on the road.

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